Accredited and Proffesional

Accredited and Proffesional

Hi, I’m Steve Pemble and I would like to be your personal Engineer. I learned the technical aspects of my trade through formal education, and have years of hands-on experience applying these skills in a practical and dynamic field. I love to help solve problems and foster strong working relationships.

B.S. Mechanical Engineering Technology, Montana State University, 2010.

The Mechanical Engineering Technology program at MSU focused on many practical and applied subjects. Manufacturing, design, statics, dynamics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, mechanics of materials, fabrication, instrumentation, finite element analysis, electrical engineering, and hydraulics were just a portion of skills that are taught for this degree. The additional knowledge and skills that I attained while at MSU have helped me become the talented problem solver I am today.

B.S. Mechanical Engineering Technology, Montana State University, 2010.

Other Profesional Training

Schweitzer Engineering Labratories - PROT 401: Protecting Power Systems for Engineers

3M High Voltage Electrical Splicing and Terminating and TYCO Electronics Medium Voltage Splicing and Terminating

Successfully Earned the Nevada C-2 Electrical Contractors journeyman

Dont Just Take My Word For It

  • We begged steven to work for us, but he declined. He said that he isnt into “jumbo’ jets, his fingers making flagrant quotes as he inflected his voice on the word jumbo.

    – Boeing
  • A fine lad that Steven is. My only reservation is about how much Mrs. Butterworth praises the fine fine young man.

    – Mr. Butterworth
  • Steven is such a nice boy, a very nice boy.

    – Mrs. Butterworth

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